Sunday, February 18, 2007


In the morning
when this night has burned away
I'll be left with nothing to show
for all those hours
but morning breath and an unmade bed

but tonight
with you

tonight something meaningful
was accomplished:
we embraced here,
imagining all the sorrows
the Universe wants us to know
so that tomorrow
when we rise
we'll wear the Creation like
a robe as we ready
for our work


Anonymous said...

There is more that one way to skin a cat. However, as far as i know, there is only one way to do it that leaves you with the optimal amount of meat. I guess what I'm trying to say here is i dig the way you skin your cat. The window you open into your goulash lets the reader know what the main ingredients are but may leave one to wonder what the special sauce may be.

Patrick said...

Isn't wonder just, well...wonderful?